Descriptive results lead to constructional recommendations for language pedagogy of L2 German. This study describes: (1) the variation in the preferred L2 constructional patterns for weather forecasts in three samples of non-native speakers of German (French, Italian and Dutch) (2) an inventory of constructional and associated lexical deficits in German-L2, compared to the participants' L1. Construction grammar may fill this gap in two respects, by focusing on weather expressions produced by second language learners (L2). Traditional teaching methodology focuses on fixed FL expressions like impersonal verbs discarding both the rich array of verbal and nominal constructions for typical weather states, as well as the learners' needs for their production. Weather expressions can be seen as a relevant topic in foreign language (FL) teaching. The study also showed that both L1 and L2 could not be the predicting factors Interference is defined as the tendency to misuse English, which is students' 元 (third language) in student-student and student-lecturer interaction due to the influence of Indonesian and Javanese structures. The finding revealed that nine morpho-syntactic types and patterns of Indonesian interference are developed significantly with morpho-syntactic classification and properties including number, case, tense, mood, diathesis, agreement, comparative degree, aspect, and word class three main patterns consisting of phrases (NP, VP, Adj P, Adv P), clauses and sentences. The data was analysed using a descriptive qualitative approach. The students and English lecturers conducted communicative classroom interactions in English teaching and learning process in IAIN and STKIP PGRI Tulungagung, East Java Indonesia. This study involves 249 Indonesian undergraduate students who were majoring in English, and took speaking class, and joined presentations in content courses, together with their 10 English lecturers. The data were collected through questionnaires with a set of 12 open-ended questions, 14 durative texts containing interference in lecturer-student interaction, observation, interviews, and discussions with some experts in related research. Clear and accurate definitions which assume no prior knowledge of the subject matter helpful diagrams and tables cross references throughout, linking related subject areas for ease of reference, and helping to broaden students' knowledge The Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics is the definitive resource for students.This paper presents an analysis of integrating morpho-syntactic theory in Indonesian interference which is influenced by lexical terms in L1 (Javanese) and L2 (Indonesian). Providing straightforward and accessible explanations of difficult terms and ideas in applied linguistics, this dictionary offers: Nearly 3000 detailed entries, from subject areas such as teaching methodology, curriculum development, sociolinguistics, syntax and phonetics. Previous definitions have been revised or replaced in order to make this the most up-to-date and comprehensive dictionary available. Fully revised, this new edition includes over 350 new entries. Specifically written for students of language teaching and applied linguistics, it has become an indispensible resource for those engaged in courses in TEFL, TESOL, applied linguistics and introductory courses in general linguistics. This best-selling dictionary is now in its 4th edition.